The Running Man Nebula is an HII region and bright nebulae that includes a reflection nebula located in the constellation Orion. It is the northernmost part of the asterism known as Orion’s Sword.
The Running Man Nebula is a popular target for amateur astrophotographers, as it lies close to the Orion Nebula and has many nearby guide stars. The outline of the running man shows up primarily in photographs; it is difficult to perceive visually through telescopes, though the reflection nebula itself is visible in small to medium apertures in dark skies.
Object | Running Man Nebula |
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Wiki Link | |
Hemisphere | Northern |
Constellation | Orion |
Other Names contained in image | Messier 42, M42, NGC 1976 |
Imaging telescopes or lenses | Takahashi FSQ -106ED4 |
Imaging cameras | QHY268M |
Mounts | Software Bisque Paramount MYT |
Focal reducers | None |
Software | Software Bisque The Sky X, N.I.N.A., PHD Lab PHD2, Viking, PixInsight, Photoshop, Lightroom |
Filters | Astrodon LRGB Gen2 E-Series Tru-Balance 36mm unmounted. Chroma Technology Narrowband 3nm Ha, SII, OIII – 36mm Unmounted |
Accessories | Moonlite NightCrawler 35 focuser, Maxdome II, Digital Loggers Pro Switch, Sky Alert Weather Station, Pegagsus Ultimate Powerbox v2, Starlight Xpress filter wheel, Alnitak Flip-Flat |
Guiding Telescope or Lenses | Orion 60mm Guide Scope |
Guiding Camera | ZWO ASI290MM Mini |
Imaging Dates | 10/10/22,10/13/22,10/14/22,10/29/22,10/31/22,11/1/22,11/19/22,11/20/22,11/21/22,11/22/22,11/24/22,12/16/22,12/17/22,12/18/22 |
Frames | Luminance: 70×300″ (5.8h) Gain 25, Photographic Mode, Temp -25C, Bin 1×1 Luminance: 118×30″ (1h) Gain 25, Photographic Mode, Temp -25C, Bin 1×1 Red: 51×300″ (4.3h) Gain 25, Photographic Mode, Temp -25C, Bin 1×1 Red: 66×30″ (0.6h) Gain 25, Photographic Mode, Temp -25C, Bin 1×1 Green: 54×300″ (4.5h) Gain 25, Photographic Mode, Temp -25C, Bin 1×1 Green: 78×30″ (0.7h) Gain 25, Photographic Mode, Temp -25C, Bin 1×1 Blue:55×300″ (4.6h) Gain 25, Photographic Mode, Temp -25C, Bin 1×1 Blue:71×30″ (0.6h) Gain 25, Photographic Mode, Temp -25C, Bin 1×1 |
Integration | 21.9 |
Darks | 50 |
Flats | 20 per Filter |
Flat Darks | 40 |
Bortle Dark-Sky Scale: | 2 |
RA center | 83.78653767 |
DEC center | -5.359578916 |
Pixel scale | 3.76 |
Resolution | 6280 x 4210 |
Locations | Sirus 3.5m Observatory, Carbondale Colorado |
Data source | Backyard |
Seeing | Average |
Post Processing Techniques | PixInsight to Photoshop to Lightroom |
Running Man Nebula – Sh2-279 was last modified: January 23rd, 2023 by