Important Details
Where: Via Zoom
Duration: 2 hours
Fee: $100 per hour
Skill Level: Beginner to pro
Instructor: Matt Shetzer
Sign up now! Ask us a questionHave you ever wanted to bring your images up to the next level?
Join professional photographer Matt Shetzer on Zoom from the comfort of your home for a one-on-one post-processing workshop.

Learn at your own pace, getting comfortable with the tools and techniques that enhance images and bring out their full potential.
Discover how to use Photoshop and Lightroom in tandem to get the most out of your images as you develop a custom process that works for you and achieves the style of images you wish to create.
Post Processing Topics We’ll Cover
Each private session is geared toward you!
Whether you want some help working up some of your favorite images from a recent workshop, creating that big print to hang in your home, or learn new techniques like HDR, luminosity masks, managing your photographic library, or just needing some help getting your brain around what a Photoshop Layer is.
We customize each session to meet your needs at your pace, and record the tutoring session to your computer so you can watch it again and reference it in the future.
We have an enormous amount of material to make you a post processing master. We cover many software products and plug-ins and break apart the complexities of post processing into manageable topics and ensure a non-destructive process.
Photoshop and Lightroom Topic Ideas
- Photoshop CC
- Lightroom CC
- Adobe Camera Raw (ACR)
- Adobe Creative Cloud Benefits
- Luminosity Masks
- Topaz Plugins
- Color Efexs Pro Plugin
- Silver Efex Pro Plugin
- Aurora HDR Plugin
- Photo Mechanic
- Best Plug-ins to Use
- HDR (High Dynamic Range)
- Noise Reduction Techniques
- Monitor Calibration
- Sharpening Techniques
- File Formats
- Panoramas
- Publishing
- Images for Web Use
Photoshop and Lightroom Tools
- Layers
- Masking layers
- Selection tools
- Curves
- Levels
- Histograms
- Brushes
- Selective Edits
- Vector vs Raster
- Vignettes
- Shadows and Highlights
- Contrast Tools
- Selective Color
- Hue, Saturation and Vibrance
- Lens Correction
- Gradients
- HSL/Color
- Color Correction
- Blending Modes
- Channels
- Color Palettes
- Color Modes
- Image Cleanup
- Upscaling\Reduction
- Layer Effects and Styles
- Sharpening
- Shortcuts for a fast workflow
- Image Processor
- Automation of images
- Artistic Filters
- Photo Filters
- Workspace layout
- Setting Preferences
- Split Toning
- Rulers and Grids
- Exporting Automation
- Color Spaces
- Printing
- Synchronize to 3rd party Galleries
- Adjustment Layers
- Groups
- Loading\Saving Selections
- Creating Black and White Images
- Actions
- Collections
- Virtual Copies
- White Balance
- Tones
- Chromatic Aberration removal

By understanding the capabilities of post processing you will capture better images in the field as you are confident of what you can produce. Here the Northern Lights over Iceland produce a very high dynamic range photo that all the details can be brought out if captured correctly.
Who is This Post-Processing Workshop For?
This private tutoring is intended for beginner to advanced computer users. You need to be comfortable around a computer and mouse. If you haven’t used Photoshop or Lightroom before, don’t worry, we will teach you that!
Meet Your Instructor: Professional Photographer Matt Shetzer
Matt has been teaching computer skills and post processing since 1998. He has instructed for Colleges in the IT departments as well as on all of the photography workshops he hosts. When not hosting a workshop, he is out photographing in nature, and experimenting with different post processing techniques as new technologies become available. Learn more about Matt and his experience as a photographer.
Workshop Fees
The cost of private tutoring is $100.00 per hour billed in 15 minute increments. We recommend starting with a 2 hour session, and as you get more comfortable with your post processing workflow, reducing to 1 hour sessions. We bill at the end of each week.
If you have any additional questions or would like to speak to one of us, please contact us at 303-888-2710 and we would be happy to answer your questions.
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